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Importing Flight Solo Image to Azure

Prepare Azure Account


  1. Start by installing the Azure Command Line Interface(CLI), as using it is the simplest way to import a raw image. Alternatively you can follow these instructions using the Azure Cloud Shell.

Create Storage Account

  1. Create a resource group for the storage account

    az resource group create MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

  2. Create a storage account

    az storage account create --name "MY_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"

  3. Create a storage container

    az storage container create --name "MY_CONTAINER_NAME" --account-name "MY_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"

Import Image

  1. Download the Flight Solo Azure image here
  2. Upload the raw Flight Solo image as a storage blob to the container

    az storage blob upload --account-name "MY_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" \
                           --container-name "MY_CONTAINER_NAME" \
                           --type page \
                           --file Flight_Solo_VERSION_azure.raw \
                           --name Flight-Solo_VERSION_azure.vhd

  3. Finally, create an Azure image from the storage blob (Make sure to get the correct source from the uploaded storage blob)

    az image create --resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \
        --name Flight_Solo_VERSION_azure \
        --os-type Linux \
        --hyper-v-generation V2 \

Changing regions

The storage blob will be placed in the region of the storage account and container it is created in, and an image made from it must go into a resource group with the same region.

In case this region is the wrong one, it can be changed after the image is created:

  1. Install the Azure CLI image copy extension.

    az extension add --name image-copy-extension

  2. Set the options for source and target resource group, regions and source image.

    az image copy --source-resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"
                  --source-object-name "Flight_Solo_VERSION_azure" \
                  --target-location "uksouth" "westeurope" \
                  --target-resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \

  3. After a short wait, the source image will have the name SOURCE_OBJECT_NAME-region and be in the target resource group